
Nile Sugar has been able to fill the supply gaps from its local beet suppliers, thanks to the leased and owned agricultural land. Furthermore, it enabled the Company to exceed its nameplate processing capacity by ensuring the constant supply of beet.
Throughout the last few years, the sugar content and quality of beet has increased.
In 2020, Nile Sugar farms was able to produce 35 tons of beet sugar/feddan as a general average for the total cultivated area. The productivity in some areas reached 60 tons/feddan. While the average yield per feddan in 2017/ 2018 season was 37 tons/feddan, which considered one of highest feddan productivity.
Nile Sugar Farms is currently cultivating about 16,000 feddans located in El-Dabaa, Wadi El-Natrun and Fayed, with a production capacity of 600,000 tons during the 2020/2021 season.